Wednesday 6 January 2010

last two days

Well hasn't it been really nice weather all this snow around again. Yesterday got three quarters of the way to work before parting company with my mountain bike (tip ; don't over inflate your tyres because when you try to turn on ice it you end up on your bum ). The houses around must have heard the clatter and if they didn't they must of heard me laughing.

Manged a 5 mile run late last night ,hardly anyone around and was something of a picture postcard scene made all the better with the light snow still falling. Wish I'd took the camera but probably wouldn't have done it justice.

Jac tried to get to work today but turned around at Eastwood as she was sliding everywhere in the car. At one junction she intended to go up the hill but actually went down it (oops).
The bin wagon was sliding side ways down the street and then managed to get stuck,my good deeds today has been to push two cars up the street.

Been down allotment to feed birds and there are bunny tracks everywhere in the snow,I'll go for a run later in spikes as the ice is starting to make its appearance once again.

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