Thursday 2 August 2012

where the streets have no names....

Today I've been doing a mail drop of electorial reminders - I've quite enjoyed myself walking around, first basking in the sunshine, and later being refreshed by the rain (although not so good for the envelopes) and I have enjoyed listening to a group of young lads trying to decide whether I was a postman or post lady (I can't remember ever being to PC when I was their age)
That aside I never realised how difficult it was to do deliveries - there's an enormous amount of houses that don't have numbers; some streets don't seem to have any street signs; lots of streets veer off into alleyways, that on first sight look like they're only a walk through, but actually have houses up there; letter boxes are so discrete they're almost impossible to find, and when you do eventually find them, they're so full of draft excluders, that its almost impossible to post a letter through them, and then of course there's always the fear that if you guide the letter in with your hands that a dog will take a nasty bite of your fingers (i've known it happen to far too many people)
Thankfully I didn't do what one postie friend did, which was walk half way up a drive way, before realising that he was walking in freshly laid concrete - oops.... I can't say that I blame him for swiftly retracing his steps,  chucking the junk mail and cleaning his shoes in a nearby stream.

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