Col's been learning how to use divining sticks with expert tuition from our Plasterer friend (is it any wonder our house is taking so long to renovate, when they're both engrossed in this!) and the other question I should be asking, is "how come there a set of divining sticks, readily to hand, in what is esentially a building site?"
Actually though its really interesting, apparently the idea is to concentrate on a specific question, with a yes/no answer - such as "Is there a well in the garden?" (we think there is under the old garage base), or even is "there more than well in the garden" - apprently the divining sticks can do more than follow water, they can follow boundary walls, or pretty much anything, and diviners follow a trail with only one of the sticks, not two. The two are used to get a yes/no response to a specific question, and they'll eitther cross each other or repel far apart. (Apparently Col is a "negative deviner" his go outwards (or repel), whereas most peoples cross (go inwards) You can find out which you are by asking the rods a yes/no question that you already know the answer to.
The diviners were at the Moorgreen show today, and it would have been interesting to have seen them, but I was busy hosting my TreeHuggery stall, and as always chatting to some really interesting people, finding out about other peoples arty passions, and hearing about the poor little pup who came third in the cutest dog competiton - competing against two other dogs - aaaah!