Friday 13 April 2012

running with faries

Me and Col went for a run in a torrential downpour last night - Col's not keen on running in the rain; he's allergic to rainwater (really!!) and he gets cold really easily.  Me? I love running in the rain; it makes me feel alive, and it makes me feel like a "propper runner"; anyone can go out for a run in the nice weather!
Last night we just got wetter and wetter and our rainsoaked clothes got heavier and heavier - but as well as getting wet and heavy, my trousers began to bubble and froth - at first I thought it was the spray from a scummy puddle, but no, the washing machine can't be rinsing our clothes out properly, and the unwashed away detergent was bubbly away quite nicely, it wasn't quite the bubbles that you can make by blowing fairy (washing up liquid) around, but it was very very frothy!

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