Sunday 15 April 2012

Poison Ivy

I've been dyeing with ivy today (it makes an interesting yellowy colour) but all of the time that I was doing it, I couldn't help but sing the tune "Poison Ivy" - I'm now getting slightly anxious that this is a sign and that I should really invest in separate utentsils (collinder, spoon, bowl etc) and that it might not be too good for our health to be using the same untensils that we use to cook.
I'm keen to get a pressure cooker too, as I'm keen to use it to manipulate and distort man-made fabrics with it, I already used Cols heat gun and soldering iron to distress and distort voiles and polyesters, but I think that there would be a lot of scope to more subtlely manipulate larger pieces of fabric, (think Issey Miyakes designs) and the high temperatures of a pressure cooker would allow this to happen.

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