Jac dropped me off at Trent Bridge in Nottingham today so I could get a 15 mile run in.
I was to run along the side of the Trent for a brief few hundred metres, then follow the Nottingham/Beeston canal towards Wollaton Park. I was at this point following the route of the Robin hood way which I had run last year as part of Rory Coleman's 30k race.
So now it was over to Bramcote ,then onto Balloon woods and heading out to Cossall under the Motor way and heading home.
This stretch from the motorway (M1) to cossall is a favourite, as its down hill normally muddy and slippy and great fun (I know I'm weird). Well I'm picking up speed, smile on face when I come around a slight bend and have to try and anchor up. Standing in the middle of the path is 3 young deer which see me and move of a damn sight quicker than I can across the field. Obviously I'm watching with great pleasure as its only the second time I have seen deer this close to home. Then another 6 come belting across the path to catch up with their mates. We must have been watching each other for 5 minutes before they got bored watching a scruffy bloke with a steaming T-shirt and in need of a change of clothes . To say it made my run is and understatement as I was getting fed up with the drizzle ( as you may know I like to be kept like a tomato ).
I was to run along the side of the Trent for a brief few hundred metres, then follow the Nottingham/Beeston canal towards Wollaton Park. I was at this point following the route of the Robin hood way which I had run last year as part of Rory Coleman's 30k race.
So now it was over to Bramcote ,then onto Balloon woods and heading out to Cossall under the Motor way and heading home.

Rest of the run was OK but less rain more wild life would have helped.