Col fetched his dad out of hospital today, complete with new knee joint (ouch!). For the last 2 years he's been walking around with no cartilage in his knee, that must be painful, anyway he's now got a plastic gizmo that seems to be doing the job. I have told him about the 26mile race next week, but I think he's going to see how he goes this week first.
I'm on a taper week before the big race day, only 20 miles this week, - hoorah I feel like I've been running 50 miles a week for ever. I had a short 10mile run today which was beautiful; sun shining, crunchy leaves underfoot, and lots of friendly walkers out commenting on the unseasonable weather.
I've seen a business premises that I'm toying with looking at; I could potentially run it as a cafe and develop an art gallery there too - It has the added bonus that it would be a great outlet to get rid of all the excess courgettes. We still have loads!
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