Sunday 31 March 2013

An old fashioned Sunday

Today, Easter Sunday, reminds me of what Sundays used to be like before the changes to Sunday trading, where everything got busier and busier and faster and faster.  There is hardly any traffic on the roads, all but the smallest shops are closed, children are playing on the park, I even saw a toddler enthralled by the croci.  Ok so it helps that the sun is shining, and that everybody is coming out of hibernation after the cold and prolonged winter, but it's a great reminder of how things used to be, and it was great for the little business man too.  It's hard to compete with the lure of the supermarkets, the shopping centres, and town centres, but  sourcing things locally, I've heard a rumour that the "shop local" campaign is spreading, lets hope so, and then everyday can be a bit like Sunday

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