Well to be honest it's the song that's now going around in my head, because I have been trying to get our scanner to work. It's always made bizarre noises ever since I bought it years ago of e-bay. I had just been saying it's performed well since we bought it, but after digging it out, it decided to jump and elongate Jac's mug shot, which I was trying to scan.The reason this song came into my head ,was instead of my heart I booted the thing and it managed to copy the document. I was talking to my Dad at the time on the phone who kept telling me a bit of WD40 would help? Maybe not.
By the way "kick start my heart" by Motley Crue was the first song I bopped away to thrashing my head like a loony and playing my air guitar at Rock City in Notts; A great venue which I seemed to spend a lot of time in at my weekends all those years ago.
Hmmm reminiscing - now where's my vinyl?
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